Monday, November 16, 2009

Machine Gun

I am thankful for Bodie. He gave us quite a scare when he was first born, but things have worked out pretty well since then. I know that I am not his favorite person in the world (One of the first things he ever clearly said to me was, "Go away!"). He gets away with things that the other children never have. He doesn't really have a bed time, and his favorite time of the day is when the other kids are put to bed and he gets to stay up later. He can cause tears to run down his cheeks instantly, and uses that skill to his advantage. And, he thinks he is way older than he actually is. Even with all the animosity he has toward me we still spend good times together. He is the only one in the family who is willing to sit and watch Dawson's Creek or Beverly Hills 90210 with me, so at least we know he has good taste. Currently my favorite thing in the whole wide world is to walk in the door after work and be greeted by Bodie. He doesn't run over to me and give me a hug like most would expect. He usually just sits there watching T.V. or playing with something and says, "Hey dad" with the tone of a teenager who is going through the motions. I don't know if that is the norm for other dads, but I really like it for some reason. He has entered into some sort of violent stage of his life and takes just about every opportunity to hit, kick or jump on me. At his height he is within reach of the baby maker, so I have to keep a close eye on him. He also gets a kick out of sitting on me during push-ups. Madison has taken him under her wing, so it is just a matter of time before they team up to destroy me. But until then, I will enjoy the time we spend together. Life wouldn't be the same without his dimples. So, I am thankful for Bodie.
The End.


Debra said...

So sweet Bodie...
Your a good daddy Josh...

Love your thankful songs...

Sarah said...

I have been thoroughly enjoying your thankful posts. Can't wait to see what's coming up next. If you need ideas . . . "I am thankful for Sarah - my cousin not my wife."