Friday, November 20, 2009

Brownie Girl

I am thankful for Sara. I was trying to remember another girl who I gave my phone number to that didn't call, and couldn't remember any (could be my old age, but I don't recall it ever happening). Perhaps the fact that she wasn't too impressed by me made me want to impress her even more. I knew that Sara was going to be different than the other girls that I dated. I have been known to think quite highly of myself, but Sara keeps my humility in check. Just the other night Sara looked me right in the eye and said, "You look so gross right now". I never would have made it with a wife who worships me. And that just isn't Sara's style, so it works out pretty perfectly. I won't go into the domestic violence she inflicts upon me, but she keeps me in line.

I am thankful for the great mother that she is. I don't realize all that she does while I am off trying to avoid paper-cuts. There are probably times when she feels under appreciated, but I do know that our family wouldn't make it without her. I used to think that the kids finished their homework with the help of the homework fairy. It turns out that there isn't one. Nor is there a laundry fairy, a dish fairy, and fairy of child transportation, or a dinner fairy.

I admire her willingness to serve others. She is part of the PTA Board, which I never imagined my wife would be. She is a great friend to those close to her. I am proud of her dedication. She recently received a new responsibility to teach some of the young women at church and she spends a great deal of time preparing for her lesson each week. She provides a great example to those young women.

I am impressed by her determination. She recently decided to slim down a little more and has done a great job. She looks just like the girl that didn't call me (which can be a little intimidating). It has always been a challenge to try and keep my hands to myself around her, but now it is almost impossible.

I am thankful for her patience with me. It wouldn't be a stretch to call me more difficult to handle than our children, but she does it. She puts up with my nonsense, she doesn't complain about things like the Mr. Sasquatch Competition, she doesn't mock my silly jokes for very long, and she just lets me be myself. I am thankful for every minute I get to spend with her, and am especially grateful for her love. So, thank you Sara for being my wife.

p.s. It is probably time to get that All-Star shirt out of storage.


Sarah said...

Sara IS awesome. I have always thought so. And, that smile is out of this world. Great blog. Keep it up.

Debra said...

Thumbs did a good job Josh...
Sara is great and so are you...