Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cooper Kong

I am thankful for Madison. You know how sometimes parents tell you, "I can't wait until you have children of your own."? Because, then you will get to go through what you were doing to your parents. Madison is that child. I recognize the evil joy in Mike's smile when we recite a story of one of Madison's misdeeds. Madison is a trouble maker. I don't see that changing in the future, but I am thankful for her. Without her life wouldn't be nearly as entertaining. She makes me laugh when I try and discipline her. She is too smart for her own good. She knows what she wants and she is a very, very strong willed person. She has no fear. She knows how to use her cuteness to her advantage. I am thankful for the crazy things she says. I am thankful for the adventures we go through. I am thankful to be able to say to her, "I can't wait until you have children of your own." I am thankful for Madison.


Kimberly said...

i heard paradise city by guns and roses on the radio the other day and thought of madison!

Debra said...

Maddie keeps things interesting...