Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Reason For The Season

I am thankful for holidays. I enjoy the excuse from working, a reason to get together with family, and the large meals that go along with them. I am thankful for family traditions that are enacted because of holidays. I am thankful for new music that is created specifically for holidays. I am thankful for the super-size portion of happiness that comes along with celebrating holidays. I hope everyone else is thankful for something too. I'm looking forward to two belly stretching meals today. Then it is on to a new Black Friday experience. Wish me luck! Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First Things First

I am thankful for Skyler. I don't want to play favorites, but Skyler and I will always have a special bond. She is our first-born, just like me. She is very creative, just like me (a couple of these pictures were taken by her). I am thankful that she likes to take charge of the younger children. It allows me to focus more time on important things like saving the planet from aliens, or helping my team win the World Series. I am thankful for her kind heart and her understanding. I have told her more than once that we don't know what we are doing as parents, and that she is our experiment. She's o.k. with us making mistakes and learning from our experiences with her. Skyler is a great friend and fun to spend time with. So, I am thankful for Skyler.

I am thankful for Skyler.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cooper Kong

I am thankful for Madison. You know how sometimes parents tell you, "I can't wait until you have children of your own."? Because, then you will get to go through what you were doing to your parents. Madison is that child. I recognize the evil joy in Mike's smile when we recite a story of one of Madison's misdeeds. Madison is a trouble maker. I don't see that changing in the future, but I am thankful for her. Without her life wouldn't be nearly as entertaining. She makes me laugh when I try and discipline her. She is too smart for her own good. She knows what she wants and she is a very, very strong willed person. She has no fear. She knows how to use her cuteness to her advantage. I am thankful for the crazy things she says. I am thankful for the adventures we go through. I am thankful to be able to say to her, "I can't wait until you have children of your own." I am thankful for Madison.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I am thankful for Geronimo.I am thankful for his smile. I am thankful for his efforts to choose the right. I am thankful that he gets along with his siblings so well.I am thankful that he has taken an interest in baseball. I enjoy spending time with him. I am thankful for his kindness. I don't know if I have met someone who cares about others more than Geronimo. He wears his heart on his sleeve and would probably shed a tear with his grandfather while watching 7th Heaven. He doesn't give us much trouble and helps out when he can.But most importantly, he can catch fish. So, I am thankful for Geronimo.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

That's Me In The Corner

I am thankful for my religion.I think that the majority of religions in the world can help people become better. I think that a belief in a supreme being can help people get through difficult times. I think that a belief in life after death helps people try and make good choices.

I am thankful that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am thankful for the knowledge of my purpose in life. I am thankful to know that I can be together with my family forever. I am thankful that God still speaks to us through his prophets. I am thankful for scriptures to provide guidance in my daily life. I am thankful for missionaries who share these teachings with the world. Most importantly, I am thankful for Jesus Christ's willingness to give his life to make God's plan work. I am thankful that,through Him, I can live with God again.When discussing my religion with others close to me, a major point that comes up is the amount of time that we dedicate to it. It does take up a lot of time. Like a lot of people, I have contemplated the idea that there is no life after this one. I wonder if I would have any regrets. Would I regret the amount of time spent and the things required of living my religion? No. Even if what I believed in turned out to be false, I would not have wanted to live my life a different way. I am thankful for the type of person that living my religion has made me. I hope that the general feeling is that I am a good person and I owe that to the concepts taught by the gospel. I am happy because of it, I have hope because of it, and I have stability because of it. So, I am thankful for my religion.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto

I am thankful for technology.I remember watching The Jetsons as a young lad and thinking that the stuff that they did was so far out. Little did I know that in just a few short years a lot of the future world of the Jetsons would become a reality.
I am thankful that I don't have to worry about carpal tunnel from using the phone anymore.

I am thankful that I can cook a "meal" in minutes.I am thankful that this wasn't the peak of what video games would be.
I am thankful for all of the great things technology has brought us. It allows me to keep up with my grandma's facebook status. It allows me to bid on unnecessary items for cheap on the internets. It allows me to carry thousands of my favorite songs with me wherever I go. It allows me to record television and watch it later while skipping commercials. It allows me to follow Punky Brewster on Twitter. It allows me to find directions somewhere without whipping out the Thomas Guide. It provides me with more and more benefits each day. It allows me to find, save, and post pictures like these:
The Jetsons future isn't too far off. We still don't have the flying cars yet, but give it a few years. I am thankful for technology.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Brownie Girl

I am thankful for Sara. I was trying to remember another girl who I gave my phone number to that didn't call, and couldn't remember any (could be my old age, but I don't recall it ever happening). Perhaps the fact that she wasn't too impressed by me made me want to impress her even more. I knew that Sara was going to be different than the other girls that I dated. I have been known to think quite highly of myself, but Sara keeps my humility in check. Just the other night Sara looked me right in the eye and said, "You look so gross right now". I never would have made it with a wife who worships me. And that just isn't Sara's style, so it works out pretty perfectly. I won't go into the domestic violence she inflicts upon me, but she keeps me in line.

I am thankful for the great mother that she is. I don't realize all that she does while I am off trying to avoid paper-cuts. There are probably times when she feels under appreciated, but I do know that our family wouldn't make it without her. I used to think that the kids finished their homework with the help of the homework fairy. It turns out that there isn't one. Nor is there a laundry fairy, a dish fairy, and fairy of child transportation, or a dinner fairy.

I admire her willingness to serve others. She is part of the PTA Board, which I never imagined my wife would be. She is a great friend to those close to her. I am proud of her dedication. She recently received a new responsibility to teach some of the young women at church and she spends a great deal of time preparing for her lesson each week. She provides a great example to those young women.

I am impressed by her determination. She recently decided to slim down a little more and has done a great job. She looks just like the girl that didn't call me (which can be a little intimidating). It has always been a challenge to try and keep my hands to myself around her, but now it is almost impossible.

I am thankful for her patience with me. It wouldn't be a stretch to call me more difficult to handle than our children, but she does it. She puts up with my nonsense, she doesn't complain about things like the Mr. Sasquatch Competition, she doesn't mock my silly jokes for very long, and she just lets me be myself. I am thankful for every minute I get to spend with her, and am especially grateful for her love. So, thank you Sara for being my wife.

p.s. It is probably time to get that All-Star shirt out of storage.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bros Before Hoes (unless you are gardening)

I am thankful for brotherhood.
I am thankful for each one of my brothers and the experience of growing up with them.I am thankful for Jed and his ability to have fun.
He has a great ability to make people laugh, even when it usually isn't appropriate.I am thankful for Kyle and his patience.I admire his musical ability, but wonder why he hasn't agreed to creating a family band (There isn't a band filling the need of people to hear a drummer and 3 dancers perform).I am thankful for Knick and his laidbackness (It's a word, ask Knick).
Of all of my brothers, I have seen him angry the least.We didn't have any sisters, and I think that is because a girl wouldn't have survived us (Kyle barely made it). My life wouldn't be nearly as good without the memories made with my brothers. So, I am thankful for brotherhood.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oompa Loompa

I am thankful for Willy Wonka. I honestly don't know how this guy hasn't won a Nobel Prize yet. Because of him we have not one, but two great movies.Willy gave us a new term for people who aren't very tall, and a bonus tune to hum around them.
And though those are all great things, those aren't even the best things we have to thank Willy for. The movies place most of the focus on his chocolate bars.
But that is just the beginning of all the sugary deliciousness that he has made available to us.
Candy wouldn't really be candy without Willy Wonka. And he doesn't stop providing us with new items.
Who can remember a childhood without sitting on the curb enjoying some Fun Dip? Nobody.
Would life really be the same without having tasted the everlastingness of a Gobstopper?
And who can forget my personal favorite, Bottle Caps. I still can't see these in the store and walk away. I secretly sneak them to work and avoid the wrath of my dental assistant wife. (Whoops! We probably should keep that on the down-low. It will be our little secret.)

And the list goes on and on. You probably have a favorite Willy Wonka candy too. So, I am thankful for Willy Wonka.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

One of my cousins suggested that I say that I am not thankful for my wife, but am thankful for my cousin instead. I was shocked by the suggestion, because I am always thankful for my wife and couldn't fathom someone thinking otherwise. I won't mention which cousin it was.
I am thankful for Sara(h), my cousin. I am thankful for the extra puff of breath that the 'h' at the end of her name causes. I don't know what I would do without her. Sara(h) is tied for the title of Favorite Cousin Whose Name Ends With the -uh Sound (Along with Vanessa and Melissa. Sorry Samantha). If it weren't for her, how would we have tested the integrity of the sliding glass door at Grandma Rich's house? Somebody could have seriously gotten hurt, and we wouldn't have thought to put stickers on the new glass.
Without Sara(h) we probably wouldn't have had C-Money marry into the family (Don't worry Liz, your secret crush is still safe with me).
Without Sara(h) I wouldn't know what I would eat whilst in Las Vegas. Sara(h) fancies herself to be the family secretary. She does a pretty good job of it. If we ever want to know a birthday, phone number, or address of another family member, we ask Sara(h).
If there is a family event, you always expect Sara(h) to be a part of it.Sara(h) has a "lovely singing voice"-Morrissey (from Sing Your Life). She has a decent sense of humor and is involved in so many things that I have suspected she might be a zombie at times (because they don't sleep). All things considered, Sara(h) is pretty darn o.k.So, I am thankful for my cousin, Sara(h) (but I am most likely more thankful for my wife, Sara).

Monday, November 16, 2009

Machine Gun

I am thankful for Bodie. He gave us quite a scare when he was first born, but things have worked out pretty well since then. I know that I am not his favorite person in the world (One of the first things he ever clearly said to me was, "Go away!"). He gets away with things that the other children never have. He doesn't really have a bed time, and his favorite time of the day is when the other kids are put to bed and he gets to stay up later. He can cause tears to run down his cheeks instantly, and uses that skill to his advantage. And, he thinks he is way older than he actually is. Even with all the animosity he has toward me we still spend good times together. He is the only one in the family who is willing to sit and watch Dawson's Creek or Beverly Hills 90210 with me, so at least we know he has good taste. Currently my favorite thing in the whole wide world is to walk in the door after work and be greeted by Bodie. He doesn't run over to me and give me a hug like most would expect. He usually just sits there watching T.V. or playing with something and says, "Hey dad" with the tone of a teenager who is going through the motions. I don't know if that is the norm for other dads, but I really like it for some reason. He has entered into some sort of violent stage of his life and takes just about every opportunity to hit, kick or jump on me. At his height he is within reach of the baby maker, so I have to keep a close eye on him. He also gets a kick out of sitting on me during push-ups. Madison has taken him under her wing, so it is just a matter of time before they team up to destroy me. But until then, I will enjoy the time we spend together. Life wouldn't be the same without his dimples. So, I am thankful for Bodie.
The End.