Thursday, September 10, 2009

Recycled Blog

Here are some more "highlights" from my early blogging days:

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Current mood: groggy
Probably behind people who can't drive, the weather is one of my greatest pet peeves. I don't understand how people in Southern California can really even claim to have weather. What are the possibilities? It will either be sunny, cloudy, or it may rain. It really isn't that complex, yet we get to see the "weather" live from the new Doppler 56,000! I thought they had it right with the Doppler 50,000 but those extra 6,000 really make a difference. And if that isn't bad enought, we have "weather people" who go on the news and predict the "weather". The sad thing is that they are wrong all of the time. It isn't like we are dealing with snowstorms or tornados here. And what is with the %'s. Is there really that much of a difference between a 20% chance of rain and a 30% chance? At what % should we bring our umbrellas? And why don't we hold these people accountable when they get it wrong? I saw previews for the movie The Weatherman and it looked like people were throwing stuff at Nicholas Cage. I am actually tempted to see the movie just to see him get hit with stuff, but maybe we should implement the same system of accountability. What other job is there that you can predict a huge change in the atmosphere and cause people to make adjustments accordingly and then be totally wrong and have your error disregarded? And do we need them to change their names to help us realize what they do? There is a local guy here with the name Dallas Raines. O.K. we get it, you do the "weather". I think I would like to throw a bowl of hot chili at Nicholas Cage.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Current mood: quixotic
I know it has been a week, but with tax season going full throtle I haven't had a chance to tell everyone how awesome Ima Robot was last Tuesday. Jed, Krauser and myself met Kato down in Hollywood to catch the show. It was at the House of Blues and it would probably be cheaper to have your car towed away than to pay for the parking, but at least the tickets were a deal. The show was put on by Indie Radio, which I think must be broadcast from Nevada as staticy as it is. Ima Robot was the headline and Everybody Else, The Spores and Gram Rabbit preceeded them. We missed just about all of Everybody Else's set, but from the free cd we got, they seem to be pretty good. The Spores and Gram Rabbit were definately something to experience once. They consisted of a series of puppet shows and people dressed up as bunnies. They obviously are very popular judging by all the celebrities we saw in the crowd. We saw Carrottop, Corey Maggette, Short Round and even Mr. Hayes was there from high school. It was good to know that he is still sticking with the mustache after all these years. They always say that true happiness can be found right under your nose. I guess you can tell that we had a little free time before the Robot experience. When they finally came out, it was well past midnight, but they made it well worth staying up past my bedtime. They played a few of their newer songs, including my new favorite, "creeps me out". They also played just about all of the great songs from the old album. I would have liked to have heard "A is for action", but the cover of Eddie Murphy's "My girl wants to party all the time" was an ample replacement. Krauser and Kato weren't familiar with Ima Robot before the show, but I think they both enjoyed themselves. Their new album has been rumored to be coming out for quite a while now. Hopefully it comes out sometime soon. I did score an ep after the show to help tide me over for a little bit. I really wanted to get a new shirt there, but they had no merchandise. After that we went on to my first and last internet cafe. The place was packed with people at like 2 a.m. instant messaging and what not. Coincidently, we didn't see any females there. We went to a Subway instead, which I think doubled as a homeless shelter because there was quite a few of them coming and going. It was an overly enjoyable experience and I look forward to seeing them perform again in the near future. I think I missed out on the whole concert thing in my early years. It seems like it would have been a good time, but the concert tickets always seemed too expensive to me. Maybe in my next life, I will be a roadie. Mr. Sasquatch is now over, and I came up empty this year. The competition did improve since last time and I think next year will have an even better turn out. I also went to Disneyland twice last week. I went with Skyler on Wednesday and Sara on Thursday. Their passes have now expired, so it will be a few months before we go back. I was never really into Disneyland growing up, but now that we have kids it is really fun. The kids love it and I like to see them have fun. Sara and I met up with my parents Thursday evening and went on Tower of Terror at California Adventure. That ride was awesome! We didn't know what to expect and that made it even better. As I was in the middle of 7 hours of working on a client's data today, the thought occurred to me that it probably would suck for a musician to give birth to a deaf child. I don't think it would be the equivalent of a good looking person having a blind kid, or a chef having a kid with no sense of smell. Do they put music notes on the closed captioning for the deaf people who knew what music was and then lost their hearing? It's time for me to go to bed. Popozao!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Current mood: bouncy
Tonight is the MLB All-Star Game, which means that Tim McBlabber and Joe Butt will be vomitting on the microphone. They are almost enough to keep me from watching baseball on Fox. We got back from our Utah vacation this weekend. We went fishing every day and fished a different spot just about everyday. It gave us some variety. It was pretty good. I really liked catching bass up at Jordanelle. The wife and I saw Pirates on Saturday. I rank the first movie in my top ten favorite movies, so it would be difficult for this one to be better in my eyes. It wasn't better. I hate when they make movies knowing that they are going to have one follow the current one. They don't make a huge effort to have the movie stand on it's own, and try and force you to watch the next movie. The Matrix Reloaded did that and I never went back to see the 3rd movie. The movie was good because Johnny Depp is a good actor doing weird characters and the special effects were really good too. It just seemed a bit long, and just builds up to the next movie. All things considered, I am glad we went and saw it. I did notice Tivo's influence on me while in the theater. There would be parts that I didn't quite understand and my finger instinctively tried to hit the jumpback button. Maybe I need to see Click and figure out how to get that remote. I have been thinking about time travel lately, and have come to the conclusion that it isn't possible. This is because we would have people among us from the future. Unless they have uncovered the secret to invisibility? That should occupy my brain for the rest of the day. Mark you calendar, J5 comes out with a new album on the 25th. If anybody has tickets to see Pearl Jam tomorrow night and wants to take me, I am willing to make out with you.

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