Saturday, September 12, 2009

In Case You Missed It

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Current mood: tired

I took my CPA exam last week and spent about
a month of studying leading up to it. When I force
my brain to work that much, it tries to distract me
and get me thinking about other things. Here are
some of the things that crossed my mind during
that time. People on Jeopardy are rarely attractive,
but they are very smart. They were smart enough at
an early age to realize that they weren't going to get
by on their looks, so they focussed on learning. To
support my theory I thought about Who Wants to be a
Millionare? The contestants on that show are a little
more comforting to look at. This is because they
have narrowed it down to multiple choice. However,
you will notice that the smart people on that show are
usually not very hot either. I love to watch Jeopardy
when a category comes up that deals with sports or pop
culture. They avoid it until the very end and then you
have three ugly people looking back and forth waiting for
somebody else to get it wrong. It makes me think that they
really missed out on some good times growing up.

I also thought about how good corned beef tastes with mustard
on it. I thought that Dave Grohl should be the next Neil
Young. He plays all kinds of instruments. Free Fishing Day is
this Saturday. You can go fishing without a license. I also found
myself craving Sliders from Claim Jumper. That made me wish
that we had a White Castle on the west coast. I wondered why
music stores don't have download kiosks. It would increase
foot traffic in the store and also allow sales that you previously
didn't get. Maybe they do and I just haven't been in enough
stores. How did the leaders of the terrorists avoid from
having to blow themselves up? Did they call in sick or did
they say they were allergic to explosives? I wonder if we
will ever track down Krauser's twin. It would be a trip to get
them side by side for a picture. Is it wrong for me to be
bothered by a guy with a sign that says, "Will work for food"
standing next to a guy selling oranges? And at what point do
you just accept the idea of being homeless? I think some of
them just like the outdoors. I think that Doug Collins is the
Tim McCarver of basketball. Why hasn't Shaq broken any
baskets since his rookie season? I could go on and on with
all of the wonderful things that went through my head
besides how much of a scope limitation would lead to a disclaimer
of opinion on the financial statements, but I will save more
for another day. Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Current mood:Space Ghost rules!
I do not like Nicolas Cage as an actor. It seems like he would be a cool guy to hang out with, but I just can't take his acting. I have liked movies with him in them, but the movies have been good in spite of him and not because of him. I painfully watched "The Weatherman" last night. It was horrible! I knew from the previews that people threw stuff at him, and thought that would make the movie entertaining enough to watch, but it was just unbelievably not good. I don't know how I lasted through the whole movie. I just kept thinking that there would be more stuff thrown at Cage and that would make it worth it. He did get hit with more stuff, and I enjoyed that, but it just wasn't worth it. After having seen that I discovered that I do like to see people getting hit with food. I guess I knew that before, but it just reinforced my belief. I would probably sit and watch a t.v. show that just involved hitting people with food. Maybe they could yell something like, "People are starving in China!" right before they threw the food. Now I know what to pitch to FOX next time I am there. I received a jury duty notice and will have to call in next month sometime to see if they need me. I remember in my single days that I wanted to serve jury duty real bad, but never got a notice. Now that I have a family to support, I get a notice every year. I think they should see who is at home watching Judge Judy and make them do jury duty. The rule should be that if it stays on that channel for more than 5 minutes, you get a phone call and have to report the next day. They already like watching it, and don't have anything better to do in the middle of the day. The government is already listening to our phone calls, so why not look at what we are watching? I got to share father's day with Skyler's birthday and Cooper's first steps, but still got candy out of the deal so it was a good day. We have basketball tomorrow and I may just whip out the "white tornado". Be afraid, be very afraid. In about 2 weeks I will be fishing. It has been a long time since that last time I went. I am really looking forward to it. I will have a chance to teach Kyle how to fish. It should be very beneficial to him. Last Comic Standing is on tonight and I have been wondering if people hang out with disabled people on purpose. Like does somebody befriend a guy with cerebal palsy to add to the list of ailments that their friends have? If so, good on them. Maybe we should all do that. Like a friend scavenger hunt. Just have a list of types of people you need to befriend. I have also been thinking that you don't really see a lot of homeless midgets. Is it because there is a low ratio of midgets to regular sized people? I think it is because midgets can always find some kind of work. I also think that if they did become homeless, they could go live in a miniature golf course. They would have to deal with balls going through their windmill every so often, but that is a small price to pay in exchange for free rent. Did I mention that I was given a copy of some old episodes of Land of the Lost? That show is awesome. It was incredible to watch it again. That show actually expected to kids to be interested in a more complex plot than a coyote chasing a roadrunner off of a cliff. It looks pretty cheesy by today's standards, but was one of my favorite shows back in the day. Speaking of my favorite shows, why do we not have 90210 out on DVD yet? I constantly find myself remembering life's lessons learned from 90210, yet do not have a reference point to go back and review. I know I am not the only one out there waiting for Brandon, Dylan, Kelly, Donna, Brenda, Steve, David Silver, and the cowboy dude who shot himself to come into my home. Or am I?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Current mood: bouncy
The wife and I saw Pirates on Saturday. I rank the first movie in my top ten favorite movies, so it would be difficult for this one to be better in my eyes. It wasn't better. I hate when they make movies knowing that they are going to have one follow the current one. They don't make a huge effort to have the movie stand on it's own, and try and force you to watch the next movie. The Matrix Reloaded did that and I never went back to see the 3rd movie. The movie was good because Johnny Depp is a good actor doing weird characters and the special effects were really good too. It just seemed a bit long, and just builds up to the next movie. All things considered, I am glad we went and saw it. I did notice Tivo's influence on me while in the theater. There would be parts that I didn't quite understand and my finger instinctively tried to hit the jumpback button. Maybe I need to see Click and figure out how to get that remote. I have been thinking about time travel lately, and have come to the conclusion that it isn't possible. This is because we would have people among us from the future. Unless they have uncovered the secret to invisibility? That should occupy my brain for the rest of the day. If anybody has tickets to see Pearl Jam tomorrow night and wants to take me, I am willing to make out with you.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Current mood:I need to cut my nails
So we are sitting in the theater and Pirates draws to a close to applause from the crowd. No, I was not at the premier. No, one of the actors was no present, or anyone involved in the movie at all. So, why are they clapping? Was it the guy running the projector's first time, and all of the audience were friends of his? What a waste of noise. I have discussed this with people in my office and they have been to shows where people clap at the beginning of the movie. What is wrong with people?

To add to my state of amusement with people's stupidity, I saw a commercial on T.V. yesterday while muting through the all-star game. It was for Exxon Mobil and the slogan at the end of the commercial was, "We are drivers too". Seriously? Is that supposed to make me feel better about gas prices? That is like somebody who got their pinky cut-off saying, "I'm an amputee too" to somebody who lost both their arms. You are a driver too? Good for you, but I think the business you are in enables you to afford gas prices a little bit better than the rest of us. Go pump yourself Exxon!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Current mood:Charles in Charge

I think my Tivo is trying to tell me something. It constantly records "The Cosmetic Surgery Show". I have never watched a minute of this show, but it continues to show up on my Tivo suggestions list. I know that I just had a birthday, but why would Tivo rub it in. And it tries to trick me into thinking it really knows me. For example, it records Plazo Sesame instead of Seasame Street. It is as if Kenji (which is the name we gave our Tivo) is trying to say, "I know that Seasame Street is in your native language, but I also know you speak Spanish and may want to practice". Kenji needs to stop messing with my head.

While I am thinking about technology, I wonder how much longer it will take before cars come equiped with the power to play your mp3's from your computer? It can't be too far away. We already have Onstar and navigational systems. I doubt that the technology to transmit mp3's from a satellite account is that much different. I think that would be more important than a navigational system. At least then you can enjoy the extra time spent driving all over the place.

I am starting to fear our children. Cooper can walk pretty good now and she is strong as an ox. We have one of those gates in the doorway to keep her out of our room and she just walked up to it the other day and pulled it right down. She then proceeded to utter loud grunts as if she was taunting us. She is really smart too. When we pray with the kids at night she already knows to fold her arms and says amen over and over again throughout the prayers. Sometimes I don't blame her. Skyler can be pretty heavy-winded. Speaking of Skyler, this is what she said to me the other day, "Madison is like a warm egg". She was insinuating that Cooper is spoiled. I have no idea where she gets this stuff from, but she is very sly. If you add Geronimo to the mix, then we are already outnumbered. Plus, he doesn't think much about his personal safety, so we have that to fear too. So they have smarts(Skyler), muscle(Cooper), and crazy(Geronimo). I swear there are times when I walk into their play room and interupt their plans to overthrow us. It's just a matter of time. Maybe Sara and I need to produce an ally to even up the numbers.

This is going to be a long blog. A couple weeks ago I woke up one morning and could not raise my left arm without immense pain. I went to the doctor to see what the deal was. I hadn't done anything strenuous or injured it during my run in the naked rodeo the previous night. So I get an appointment and go in later that day, which was a Friday. The doctor comes in and asks me whats wrong and touches my shoulder for a couple of seconds and then says he thinks it is a torn rotator cuff. Since I was there I decided to tell him that I had been having minor problems with my knee as well. So he touches it for a second or two and says that since he was going to send me to an orthapedic surgeon anyway, to just have it checked out then. I think that is the first time in my history of going to the doctor that I haven't had to remove an article of clothing. It's not like I love being naked or anything, but I just think that if I have a problem with my shoulder you may want to have me take off my shirt so you can check for swelling or discoloration. He just felt my knee through my jeans. So, I scheduled an appointment with the orthapedic surgeon for the next Friday. On Wednesday morning I woke up and the problem was gone. I still don't know what happened, but the orthapedic surgeon agreed that I was just fine. Although, it is hard for me to accept his prognosis without having removed any of my clothes.

I am not a big cat fan and have a huge fear of dogs, so my kids can look forward to not having them as pets. I did a little research the other day and found a solution to the pet problem: miniature horses! They are awesome! And through my research I have found that they are pretty cheap to maintain and can live in your backyard. We discussed getting one as an office pet, but ultimately decided against it. We also thought that a miniature giraffe would be a million times cooler than a miniature horse. Hopefully they have them by the time we move into our own house.

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