Monday, January 7, 2008

Still Getting Better

Bodie is continuing to improve. Today they took off the blindfold and turned off the light for Jaundice. He currently weighs 6 pounds 11 ounces, which is what Geronimo weighed when he was born. His lungs are continuing to get stronger. The NICU has 3 rooms, room A, B, and C. As the babies get healthier they move from room A to B to C to being taken home. Right now Bodie is in room A. The nurse today said that once they remove the chest tube that was put in to help with the hole in the lung, he will probably move to room B. She thought that would most likely happen before Friday. We'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congratulations on Bodie McCoy. He is sure adorable. We are praying for him and Anthony was able to participate in the family fast. Thanks for the keeping us all updated.

Sarah Vidal