Thursday, January 24, 2008

Free Money!

In an effort to increase spending in our economy, Congress announced today that they will be giving out free money. The money will arrive in the form of tax rebate checks. The hope is that with the free money, people will go out and blow it all immediately, thus giving the economic marketplace a little boost. Individuals could qualify for up to $600, couples could qualify for up to $1,200, and children are worth $300 each. There are some restrictions based on income, but you should always expect restrictions when dealing with the government. Checks could start being sent out as soon as May. Here are a couple of links to the AP articles online today:
Now I finally will have money to throw at a new Xbox 360, err.......I mean our savings account!
MSN also has an article with suggestions about what you could do with the money.

Since I am talking about finances, I figure I should remind you that it is quickly becoming tax time. If you haven't already, you should be receiving your W-2's and 1099's very soon. As a tax professional I would like to suggest that you take care of your taxes A.S.A.P. If you do have someone else do your taxes, the sooner they get your data the more time they can take to make sure nothing gets overlooked. Plus, your refund will arrive sooner, you won't have to deal with last-minute stress, your looks will improve and people will think that you are cooler(O.K. I may be exaggerating a tiny bit). I may post a few tax tips in the next few days, but if you do have any questions feel free to ask me. Now go start making a list of all the things you are going to buy me with your free money! You can put this necessary item at the top of your list.

1 comment:

deesha said...

Finally, the finishing touch for my garden that I've been searching for!