Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Planning for an Early Demise

Last week there were two incidents that have me convinced my children are already trying to accelerate my aging process. First, I had to have a discussion with Skyler and explain to her why she couldn't have a boyfriend for another 10 years. She's only 6 years old! Luckily she accepted the explanation, but she could tell that I wasn't stoked about the idea she wanted a boyfriend. Similar to her mother, she derives enjoyment from my displeasure, so I doubt this will be the last I hear of her wanting a boyfriend.
And then a few days later I took Madison to Disneyland and we took a ride on Autopia. This seems like a preview of what I get to look forward to when I instruct her on how to drive in 14 years. (Maybe they will increase the age limit for driving.)

In all honesty, she didn't do too badly. Skyler and Jackson are usually all over the road, but Cooper seems to keep us fairly stable for most of the ride.

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