Bodie is continuing to grow. Here is a picture of him with his eyes open. This seems to be a rare occurrence, because he spends the majority of his time sleeping. This works out pretty good, except for the fact that his little time awake takes place between 1:30 and 4:30 a.m. He's not much of a fusser though, and definitely more laid back than Madison was.

It has been over a month and a half and this is how my foot looks. I go back to the doctor tomorrow. It actually feels like it is getting better each day. I stopped using the crutches a couple of days ago. I still can't walk on it without the boot on, but it is getting better. The swelling has gone down quite a bit and the flexibility has improved since I started physical therapy. Tomorrow they will take new xrays to make sure that everything is healing right. Hopefully I will get some sort of time table as to when I will be able to walk without the boot. I think I have come to terms with not playing basketball anymore, but I went to watch the guys play a couple of weeks ago and it is still hard not to be able to play. That was my weekly stress reducer. I still haven't found a replacement activity. Lucky for me, I am coaching the young men's basketball team again. I look forward to hobbling around the court while the guys disregard my suggestions(that was sarcastic).
And finally, I was very excited to see that American Gladiators was making a comeback. However, after seeing the first 3 competitions I still don't know if I like it yet. I recall enjoying it in my younger years. It still is entertaining to watch the "average joe" battle gladiators, but I don't know if I can deal with the cheese factor. It seems almost as staged as the WWF, except for the fact that someone has gotten seriously injured on more than one occasion. When they did the trials to get on the show they obviously didn't have a trash talking competition, because it is the worst. Hulk Hogan doesn't do anything to lessen the cheese factor. They kept some of my favorite events from the previous version, but I don't like some of the new ones(especially the pyramid). And, the last event doesn't make much sense to me. It is still an obstacle course, but I vaguely recall the gladiators being involved in it. I also don't understand why the competitors would do some of the obstacles if there is no penalty for not doing them. I think I will give it another week before I decide to stop watching. Check it out for yourselves.
You can see previous episodes on the NBC website.

(Apparently, they did convince Ben Stiller to reprise his role from Dodgeball).
p.s. I have been watching Comanche Moon and I can't tell if it is supposed to be a drama or a comedy. It seems to be poorly trying to do both. But I will watch anything with
Wes Studi in it.
Sasquatch sighting on the moon.....
Correction..Sasquatch sighting on mars...........
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