Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 2 of Sara's Week Long Birthday Celebration Extravaganza!

Today marks the second day of Sara's week long birthday celebration extravaganza. I waited to post this until I knew she was at work, because she has a surprise present waiting there. For those who don't know, Sara works once a week as a dental assistant. She really enjoys it, and I could see her doing that once the kids are old enough to all be at school. Her favorite flowers are Gerber Daisies, which will be delivered to her at work today. I also snuck a couple of CD's she has been requesting into her CD changer for the drive to work.

On another note, Sara is Wonder Woman. One of my favorite things about her is that she can accomplish anything she puts her mind to. I learned early on that all McAlister women are stubborn like that. Once they have decided to do something you can either help out or get out of the way. Anything else and you will have to deal with their fury(trust me, you don't want to do that). As I thought more about this, I realized that Madison is already like that. As I looked at some of the pictures of little Sara, I realized that Madison gets her attitude and her looks from her mother. Happy Birthday Sara!


Ken said...

"Help out, or get out of the way." Amen brother Josh, preach on.

Also, about the 3rd picture down, Anna had that hair cut too when she was little.

Mr. Mustachio said...

I think they were testing out the Flowbee. Tell Anna that she should be worried about the other pictures I have.

Anonymous said...

I have always said Maddie looks just like Sara!