Friday, July 23, 2010


The main reason for going on vacation to Utah is to go catching. Some people call it fishing. Some people aren't as good as I am. I call it catching, because that's what I do. Luckily for the fish, I catch and release. In fact, I am pretty good at not touching the fish at all during this process. Every morning consisted of us getting up by 5 and heading out to fish. We fished streams for the most part, because I get bored with the other methods of fishing.

Some of us were keeping track throughout the week, and Mike won the most days. It isn't surprising. I think the fish gave him some sort of senior citizen discount. Plus, as much swimming as he did while we were fishing, they probably just thought he was one of them. And, we didn't even count all of the tree fish he tried to catch. Here are some of the pictures from the streams we hit during the week. Among the places we went were Hobble Creek, Thistle Creek, and Nebo Creek.

Yes, that is water up pretty high. No, that is not as high as it got. Yes, Mike did get stuck in mud and need help getting out.

Some people try and fish from boats. Mike tries to fish from trucks.

And Jed did go with us one morning too.

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