Saturday, July 24, 2010

Let the Games Begin

We have a couple of cousins whose families live fairly close to my brother, so I thought it might be a good idea to get together for a game night. I learned a lot from that night. I invited my cousin Clayton and his family, my cousin Elizabeth and her family, and my cousin Loren and his family. I invited them via Facebook, and they all responded that they would meet us at Kyle's house for game night. This happened to be planned for the same day that we took Loren out fishing with us.

The time came for when people were supposed to start showing up and the doorbell rang. It was Elizabeth and her family. Then we waited. And waited. And waited. Finally we called Clayton to see if they were almost there. He was surprised by the call. In fact, for some reason he thought that I was just kidding about game night. Somebody eventually convinced him that we were serious about game night and he and his family made the trip to Kyle's house. We were still missing Loren's family, which was strange because the last thing he said to us earlier in the day was that he would see us later. So, I made the call to Loren. He did not answer, but I left him a very long, informative message about how we were waiting for him. He called back and informed us that he had just woken up from his nap and was going to head our way. I guess working on the rice paddy wore him out.

Eventually Loren showed up, wearing the same clothes that we remembered from fishing earlier in the day. He did leave his hat at home. Everyone was finally there, games were being played, and ice cream was being eaten. It seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves. We started off with some Uno, and moved on to Buzzword, and then began playing a game called Things.
Things involves somebody reading a question or phrase and everyone writing down their answers. Then the answers are collected and you try and guess who wrote what. We were into our third round when things went wrong. I somehow ended up sitting next to Loren, who smelled of day-old rice paddy, blood, sweat, tears, and fish. However, just like living on a cattle farm eventually you get used to the smell. Loren's son wasn't so lucky.

The next series of events seemed to happen in slow motion:

Somebody whose name rhymes with Badam was in charge of the round of Things.

Loren's son could no longer take the stench and began to run from the room.

Just as he started to run, Badam grew frustrated with the game and exclaimed, "Put some stank on that b^*#&%@h!"

The vulgarity was too much for Loren's son to take and he immediately began to projectile vomit.

Loren's wife was in the line of fire, but only was grazed by the puke shrapnel. She grabbed him and ran to the bathroom.

It was too late. The wall and floor were soaked in vomit. Loren and Kyle went through a cupboard of towels to clean up the mess.

Game night was abruptly ended. We said our goodbye's and sanitized the house. It was the most memorable game night of my life.

1 comment:

Adam said...

That was one of the most memorable game nights of my life me, I have tried real hard to forget it.