A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks. Here is a brief photo summary:

Karyssa was baptized.

These two look like future missionaries, or the next Will Ferrell and Owen Wilson. I still can't decide which.

T-ball is now over. Jackson's favorite games were played against his friend Lou.

We spent over an hour in line at the Glendale Galleria for Geronimo to meet the Power Rangers.

We spent Thursday with some of my cousins and their families at Disneyland. We were going non-stop and hit just about all of the good rides. In retrospect, I regret not riding
Autopia, but we ran out of time.

Friday was Halloween. Here are the kids.
Bodie was Squirt from Finding
Skyler was Hannah Montana.

Geronimo was the blue Power Ranger.

Madison was Cinderella. They went trick-or-treating with their cousins in my in-laws' neighborhood.

Saturday was our ward Halloween Party. Geronimo decided to go as the Red Ranger for this one. My costume was quite popular.

I spent almost all of Saturday helping set up the spook alley for our ward. It turned out pretty good, but I would have preferred spending my Saturday doing something else.

Monday we walked around the neighborhood and hung reminders to vote yes on prop 8 on door knobs.

I tried to get
Bodie to show off his two new teeth, but he was being a little monster.

We then headed off for a family dinner only to be met by this horrifying news. I'm not much of a crier, but I came awfully close to shedding tears. That should get you caught up.
Man all those children are good looking.
The Spook Alley looks great!!
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