Monday, August 18, 2008


When I arrived at work on Friday I was greeted by each one of my co-workers with the following question: "Did you hear about Bigfoot?" Apparently his lifeless body was found in Georgia. Two guys found him and put his 500 pound body in a big freezer. Here is a picture of him relaxing in the freezer.Here is a video with more details:

A lot of people want my opinion on the subject. Do I think it is a hoax, or legit? Do I really believe in Sasquatch? So, here is what I think so far. The beast was found in Georgia. They described it as being part human and part ape, which could explain some of Georgia's breeding habits. They held a press conference on Friday to give us more information, but not much was said. It makes it hard for me to believe them, when it seems like they are trying to make a lot of money out of the deal. However, I'm still not convinced either way. I'll give them a little more time to give us more evidence. They also said that they had seen other living sasquatch where they found the dead one. They will be attempting to catch one of them. Good luck with trying to take down a 500 pound 7 foot tall beast. Georgia has really been a news source lately with Russia attacking and with the Bigfoot findings. Good luck to them. As far as my belief in Sasquatch, I do believe that it is possible. There is a religious belief that Bigfoot could actually be Cain, but that wouldn't explain the dead Bigfoot from Georgia. I think it is possible that we haven't found all the creatures that exist on the earth, and Bigfoot could be one of those creatures.

Speaking of Sasquatch, I went to the DVD rental store on Saturday to pick out a movie. In tribute to the recent Sasquatch news I decided to check out The Sasquatch Gang. (I was going to check out a Bernie Mac movie, but I've already seen Mr. 3000.)

Here is a trailer (as a side note, the movie was originally titled The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang)

I highly recommend seeing this movie. You know how sometimes you will be watching a movie and you will ask yourself, "What the damn is going on?" This movie is a non-stop what the damn is going on event. I find those type of movies to be quite entertaining. If you do too, add it to your netflix queue. Squatch ya later.


Anonymous said...

Georgia is really been a news source lately?

Mr. Mustachio said...

Thanks Wordsmith. Did you check out The Sasquatch Gang yet?

Anonymous said...

Yes I did check out The Sasquatch Gang and I will say that it surely is "What the damn is going on?" crazy. Georgia and Sasquatch are both quite mysterious aren't they?

Ken said...

Couldn't be more faker!

(chew on that wordsmith!)

Anonymous said...

Wow Ken. How do you really feel?