Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mr. Sasquatch 2008

Today marks the beginning of the voting period for Mr. Sasquatch 2008. You have until April 11th to cast your vote, but save the procrastinating for filing your taxes. Go over to and vote a.s.a.p. Here are some lovely shots from my photo session. If you were wondering, yes, I am nude in these photos.


Anonymous said...

later in life when you kill someone i'm going to submit the last photo to the news people and tell them "he was always such a nice person, pretty much kept to himself, we would have never expected this"

Mr. Mustachio said...

I like how you say "when you kill someone" instead of "if you kill someone". It's like we both know it is going to happen eventually. It also kind of makes your future statement of,"we would have never expected this" seem a bit untruthful.