Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Whopper of a Tail

It was a dark and stormy Christmas morning. Little Peabody sat near the local creek. He was very distraught. It was his brother Ray's first Christmas and Peabody couldn't figure out what to get him as a gift. Ray had no money and wasn't very good at making his own gifts. As he sat by the creek the stress of the moment took over and tears began to fill his eyes.

As Peabody was rubbing his eyes he noticed some movement in the creek. He couldn't believe his eyes as a giant fish rose up out of the water and began walking on his tail to the shore. Frozen with shock, Peabody sat in amazement as the giant fish walked up to him. Peabody asked the fish, "What are you doing here?" The fish answered, "I am Stanley, the Christmas fish. I sensed that you had a problem and wonder if I can help".

Peabody composed himself enough to explain his situation to Stanley. "Nobody should go their first Christmas without a great gift", said Stanley. "I have an idea. I will provide a fishing rod and reel for Ray". "Won't that make it easier for you and your family to get caught", asked Peabody. "Actually, it will probably make it more difficult for us to get caught. Think of all the extra fishing time spent getting Ray's snags out. Picture all the times that Ray's line gets tangled with yours and keeps you from catching us. It really is an ideal situation", replied Stanley.

Peabody couldn't control his excitement. "Let's go give it to him right now!", he exclaimed. Stanley said, " I don't think I should go with you." "But you have to.", cried Peabody. "Nobody will ever believe my story if you don't come." "Very well.", said Stanley and they headed off to see Ray. The people in town were surprised at the sight of Peabody and his new friend. They had never seen a fish so large. Nor had they seen one who could walk and talk. And even stranger, was the fact that the fish was carrying a rod and reel. Whispers spread around town about the possibly cannibalistic fish rapidly. By the time Peabody arrived at his home a large crowd of his extended family was waiting for him. They had already heard the rumors of the Christmas fish.

Stanley went in to Peabody's home and Ray instantly began crying. He had never seen a fish so big and hadn't learned how to control himself. As Stanley got closer he extended his fin and offered the new fishing set-up to Ray. He told Ray, "Don't go catching any of my family." Ray stopped his crying and smiled at his new gift. Ray's happiness made Stanley grin from gill to gill. It was a Christmas miracle. As Ray grew up he promised himself that he would only catch-and-release when he went fishing.

The legend of the Christmas fish spread across the land and there were many sightings on Christmas day. For many families he has been known to show up on a child's first Christmas to offer them a rod and reel and say, "Don't go catching any of my family." And so, Stanley has brought joy to many. He wishes you and yours a merry Christmas and hopes that you will get hooked with holiday cheer.


Sara Kelley said...

i love the christmas fish tradition...maybe he'll come again next year?

Cyndi said...

get busy Sara!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!