Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bodie's First Crush

A little over a month ago I saw Donna Martin (a.k.a. Tori Spelling) on Jimmy Kimmel Live. It brought back the memories of when times were good. I am of course referring to the 90210 years. I don't think there are many that will dispute that Beverly Hills 90210 was by far the greatest T.V. show of its time. After seeing Donna, I immediately had a desire to watch some 90210 (Who wouldn't?). However, I recalled that after purchasing and watching Season 1 I was disappointed with what they had done to the music. So, I contemplated perhaps watching a different show that had some similarities to 90210. Of course, nothing would be as good as 90210. There had to be something that could give me at least a little bit of the 90210 joy. After doing some research and narrowing down the candidates I went with Dawson's Creek.
I had viewed a couple of episodes when the show originally aired, but for a reason unknown to me I didn't watch very much of it. I figured that it had some of the good 90210 elements; it was about kids in high school, they acted much older than they were supposed to be, it featured popular music at the time it aired, and there was major potential for bad acting. Thanks to ebay, I acquired Season 1. It has been everything I had hoped for and more! The acting is horrendously entertaining (Katie Holmes is the female equivalent of Keanu Reeves), the music brings back memories, the verbiage is ridiculously and eloquently unbelievable, and the story lines are way over the top. These 15 year olds carry on conversations that you would possibly believe coming from college English majors, but just barely. Dawson's best friend, who happens to be a 15 year old girl, sleeps in his bed frequently without any body's parents thinking twice. There are many other things to be pleased with, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet. There also is a character named Bodie, who is a black guy living with his pregnant, white girlfriend. Speaking of Bodie, he is a big Dawson's Creek fan too. He has sat with me through the whole first season, which is a huge accomplishment because he doesn't really like sitting with me in general. He seems to like the kids on the show much more than the parents, and voices his displeasure when they focus on the parents. His favorite part of the show is watching Jen (Michelle Williams), a rebellious teen from New York who has been sent to her grandparents' home to straighten out her life.
When Bodie sees her on the screen he gets a huge smile and keeps smiling until she is gone. Luckily for Bodie, our viewing of Jen is not over. Season 2 should be arriving today! I'm sure Sara will be pleasantly surprised (typed with sarcasm).


Sarah said...

Hilarious that you watch Dawson's Creek. I think I'll look into it. I've been looking for another good show.

Anonymous said...

I totally watched 90210. I discovered Dawson's Creek during its last season, when a cable network was playing 4 episodes a day in order to re-play all of the seasons in time for the big finale. Of course since moms have nothing to do all day but watch trashy tv, that's what I did. Just wait, because the show only gets "better."

Sara Kelley said...

actually no, i'm not pleasantly surprised in the least!

TheOrttFamily said...

Hey I just watched a show the other day..I was hooked..I sat through 3 more shows that night..bad I know..

Anonymous said...

oh my geeeash! Good luck with that one Sara! : )