Sunday, May 9, 2010

Flat Samley

One of Sara's friends sent her a Mr. Potato Head to have its picture taken in an interesting place and have the picture sent back. Some parents may be familiar with this process due to Flat Stanley projects in their children's classes. Sara suggested that we take Mr. Potato Head with us when we went to Disneyland on her birthday. That is exactly what we did. Sara shares her birthday with the son of one of my cousins, so my cousin and his family along with another cousin's family joined us for the trip. Unfortunately, my cousin Sam was unable to make the trip. Rumor had it that he cried for days leading up to the trip. I felt sorry for him and decided to think of a way to honor the absence of Sam on our trip. I got craftier than a Beastie Boys song and had a great idea. 9 full size face pictures and Popsicle sticks later, this was the result: Flat Samley goes to Disneyland.
(If you would like to take a Flat Samley with you on your next trip, shoot me a message and we will make it happen).


Sarah said...

love it.

Unknown said...

SOOOO funny!! Thanks for the good belly laugh!!! Much needed!!! Ann

Cecily said...

I LOVED everyone of these photos!
Josh you are AWESOME!
I laughed so hard! It was great.
Thank you for being you!