Sunday, March 9, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

I figured since I am already losing an hour of sleep, I should add to it (plus I want to see Vampire Weekend perform on SNL). It has been quite a while since my last post, but it is tax season (which reminds me that I need to talk to the founder of Mr. Sasquatch about the time of year it runs). So here are just a few random things:

You know how people will tell you that it takes a lot of hard work to become a millionaire. They were definitely telling the truth. Apparently, you are required to do multiple crimes and then in the midst of one of those crimes get shot at 120 times by police. Not only that, you then have to get hit by 9 of those shots and survive. That is how you make 1.3 million dollars. The story didn't say, but I'm guessing that Winston Hayes is not a college graduate. So, I guess the whole college education thing is a myth. Am I the only one who sees something very wrong with this?

I am officially done with the T.V. show Lost. I will still watch if it happens to be on, but am no longer going out of my way to keep up each week. Once the show finally concludes, I may rent the DVDs to see how they finally explained the reason for misleading me throughout the show. I really enjoyed the first couple of seasons, but after that they starting doing things that the creators had told us they wouldn't. I kept watching because I felt like I had already invested too much time to give it up and I was sure that they were going to start giving explanations. In one of my economics classes I recall learning that, "sunk costs are irrelevant." This means that you shouldn't continue with a bad business venture just because you have already spent so much on it. All you are doing is wasting more money. And that is what I am doing with Lost. I was trying to explain it to a co-worker a couple of weeks ago and realized how ridiculous the show sounded. A smoke monster, polar bears on a tropical island, sharks with logos on them, the hatch, psychic powers, and now time travel and island adultery. It's just too much for me to accept. Good job on stringing me along for as long as you have. And now goodbye Lost.

One last thing. I don't know if this situation will ever present itself, but if you are ever in a situation where you are required to drink your own urine I would recommend that you request a box of Golden Crisp Cereal. I have eaten a wide variety of cereal in my life and Golden Crisp is the only one that I can tell exactly when it is leaving my body. It has a very sweet aroma, which is not exactly common with urine. So, I hypothesize that it probably would not taste as bad as regular urine. Keep that in mind, just in case.

Enjoy your daylight savings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little too much information on the end there.........