Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I don't normally seek out these things to fill out, but somebody specifically mentioned me in their's. I must qualify this first by stating that my high school years are quite hazy.

High School Tag

1. Did you date someone from your school?
Define date. I'm sure I did, but don't press me for a name.

2. What kind of car did you drive?
The invisible one that made it look like I was walking.

3. What was the most embarrassing moment of HS?
Being a class clown, I didn't really get embarrassed. However, I will entertain you with a story that had the potential to be embarrassing. It was my senior year, and I think it was our last home football game. Just before the game started we(the players) were on one side of the field and a group of our parents were on the other side. The p.a. announcer would yell out a player's name, the crowd would cheer, and the player would run out to midfield and be met by their parent. I didn't know about this until it was happening, but some of the other players obviously did because they had elaborate hand shakes or some other staged routine they did with their parent. I heard my name, ran out to midfield to be met by nobody. Mike was running late, and didn't make it there in time.

4. Were you a party animal?
I made it out to a few. Is there an animal that doesn't get drunk and do stupid things at parties? Or one that took advantage of other animals' drunkenness, and made them do stupid things? If there is, I was that animal. I remember getting a bunch of drunk guys to try and see who could run into a garage door the fastest. Maybe I was a party sloth.

5. Were you considered a flirt?
Probably not.

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
For everyone's sake, no.

7. Were you a nerd?
Don't nerds have to get really good grades? I do like Star Wars though, so maybe I was.

8. Were you on any varsity teams?
Football, Horseshoes, Bocce Ball, Curling, and Pinball.

9. Did you ever get suspended/expelled?
No, but I did spend a lot of time outside of the classroom due to my behavior. I remember that one of my friend's dad was a counselor there and he would see me outside of class and ask why. I would always tell him that there was a test and I missed yesterday's class. He must have thought that we had a lot of tests and that I missed a lot of class, because it happened about twice a week.

10. Can you still sing the fight song?
For everyone's sake, no.

11. Who were your favorite teachers?
I honestly can't remember many of my teachers' names. I think my favorite class may have been Teacher's Aide for girl's P.E. I even got to hang out in the office in the girl's locker room. I think Mr. Hayes was a good teacher and I remember Mr. Ludlam, so he must have been good.

12. Where did you sit during lunch?
On my butt. From what I remember, usually in the ASB room.

13. School mascot?

14. Did you go to homecoming, and with who?
I don't think so. I wasn't a big school dance fan.

15. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
Sure. Why, do you have a time machine?

16. What do you remember most about graduation?
I didn't want to walk in the graduation ceremony, but did. Then, I got the pleasure of being called "Joseph"while I was receiving my fake diploma.

17. Where did you go on senior skip day?
To school.

18. Were you in any clubs?
I don't remember. The 90210 fan club?

19. Have you gained some weight since then?
I was 150 in high school. After having 4 children I now tip the scales at over 200. Does that excuse work for men too?

20. Who was your prom date?
I didn't go to prom. I always thought it was a waste of money. I had a young lady offer to take me and pay for everything. I can only imagine how that would have went down.

21. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?
Since you have that time machine, sure.

22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself?
Streaking is only acceptable if you get other people to do it too.

Feel free to fill out you own version of this, or not.

1 comment:

deesha said...

Thanks for humoring me - I laughed out loud.